What an amazing first week of summer school! Just a reminder, there is no Elementary K-6 summer school on Fridays. We will also start getting Kids Cafe meals for every K-6 summer school kid starting Monday so please do not pick one up for your child if they attend summer school. Have a great weekend, we can’t wait to see the kids Monday! PS: there is still Junior High and High School summer school tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Boys and girls club is closed today. Students who go to boys and girls club after summer school will need to be picked up today or call the school to make arrangements. 
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Parents: if you have summer school students that are signed up for Kids Cafe- we will need you to pick their lunches up this week. We are working with them on the best way to get everyone a lunch by next week.
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Summer School for high school students begins today, Monday, June 14. Letters were mailed out earlier this week and follow-up phone calls have begun to be made. Please be sure to attend if you were notified. Details: Dates: June 14-July 2 Days: Mondays-Fridays Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location: WPS High School *Alternative Education Students will attend at the Alternative Education Building
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Summer school for K-6 will start today, Monday, June 14th at 8:30. If you signed up for transportation we will be picking up kids starting at 8:00. Please have them ready- we will have 2 routes so it may take a bit to get all the kids so please be patient. Also, please sign up for Kids Cafe if you want us to pick a lunch up for them. We can only pick lunch up for those that have signed up. This needs to be done through Kids Cafe. We will then begin drop off at 11:45 for kids that signed up for transportation. If your child is not on the transportation route, please drop them off at 8:30 and pick them up at 11:45. Thank you and we can’t wait to see the kids again!
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Weights and conditioning for 7-12 students schedule- Monday-Friday, June 14th-18th: 9am-11am: Boys workouts 12pm-2pm: Girls workouts 2pm-3:30pm: Muscles mass weight workout
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Summer School for high school students begins Monday, June 14. Letters were mailed out earlier this week and follow-up phone calls have begun to be made. Please be sure to attend if you were notified. Details: Dates: June 14-July 2 Days: Mondays-Fridays Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Location: WPS High School *Alternative Education Students will attend at the Alternative Education Building
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Summer school for K-6 will start Monday, June 14th at 8:30. If you signed up for transportation we will be picking up kids starting at 8:00. Please have them ready- we will have 2 routes so it may take a bit to get all the kids so please be patient. Also, please sign up for Kids Cafe if you want us to pick a lunch up for them. We can only pick lunch up for those that have signed up. This needs to be done through Kids Cafe. We will then begin drop off at 11:45 for kids that signed up for transportation. If your child is not on the transportation route, please drop them off at 8:30 and pick them up at 11:45. Thank you and we can’t wait to see the kids again!
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
WPS Summer Band lessons start up on June 22nd. If students still wish to sign up, they can do so through the School Websites under the Activities tab. https://winnebagopublicschools.org/
over 3 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
There will be no Honor Awards Ceremony today. Higher Education did not receive all the awards that are given to the students for their achievements. As soon as all the awards are received, a notice will go out notifying those who earned the awards for attendance/honor roll and where to pick them up at.
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
"Seniors are invited to come back for the high school competition game day. Join in the fun of various games against each class. Class of 2021 T-Shirts will be handed out to those that attend. The event will take place Thursday at 1pm at the football field."
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Check out our K-6 Spring concert video by clicking on the link below: https://youtu.be/9HtYNeniWEY
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Just a reminder that all K-6 summer school letters need to be in today so we can plan accordingly. We need confirmation, so please send the letter back with your child or bring it to the school today or tomorrow. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Wind, rain, or shine the championship game today will be played. 7pm in Mitchell, SD. Bring your rain gear! #bagopride
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Today’s activities: HS Football championship vs Tiospa Zina in Mitchell, SD 7pm Live streamed at: Liveticket.tv
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Today’s activities: Football send off assembly at 2pm. Team will leave the school at 3pm and head north out of town on 77. Pack the hwy and show your support.
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony will be held Wednesday, June 2, at 2:00 in the Competition Gym. Students are allowed to invite up to 15 guests. Each guest (including all children) must have a ticket to attend. Information and tickets will be sent home with your 8th grade student tomorrow, Thursday, May27.
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Check out the K-6 Spring Program, “Songs’ of America” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WbOvHdwub0
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Congratulations to the Football Team for making it to the Championship Game. The game will be played Thursday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m in Mitchell SD. There will be a Peprally on Wednesday at 2:00pm in the main gym. After the Pep rally, the team will be leaving at 3pm. So we will have a send off as they leave out of town, North on hwy 77. Due to this accomplishment there will be no school for students on Friday. Friday will be considered a staff workday.
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools
We still have Football playoff shirts if anyone wants one still. We have small, med, Large, XL, 2X, and 4x left. 15$ per. Come to the front desk and let them know your size. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Winnebago Public Schools