Today’s activities-
HS girls golf at Beemer Indian Trail golf course 9:30 tee off.

Today’s activities:
Open house for all K-12 students from 3-6pm. Come and meet your teachers and get your schedule. Masks are required in the building.
HS Volleyball jamboree at Wisner at 6pm

Band Parents,
If your child has signed up for band for this coming school year, please fill out the form linked below so Mr. Garthoff can have an Idea of what Instrument they would like to learn.
Thank you!

JH cross country, football, and volleyball practices start today.
Jh football- 3pm at the field
Jh volleyball- 3pm in the game gym
Jh cross country- 3:30pm meet at the main entrance

Today is the last WPS Kindergarten round-up. If you have a child that will be starting kindergarten next week with us, we will have activities and lunch for them today from 9am-12pm. Please bring your registration packet, current immunization, physicals, vision, birth certificate, social security card, and tribal enrollment number. All of these things need to be turned in before your kindergartner can start next week. Hope to see you kindergartners at 9am today!!

This survey is to gain feedback on how the district will utilize the ESSERS III funds to address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our students social, emotional/mental health, and academic needs. Please take the time to fill out our districts survey by clicking the link below:

Winnebago Football Clothing for sale! It Will ship directly to your home. Click the link below:

Correction- Hs cross country starts Tuesday, August 10th at 3pm. Meet at front entrance of the school.

Attached is the 2021-2022 WPS school calendar. Click the link below to view:

Summer School K-6 reminder- kids will not be coming home with a lunch today because Kids Cafe ended last week.

Attention: Physicals are needed for all incoming Kindergarten, 7th, and 9th grade students. All students planning to play sports in grades 7-12 will also need an updated physical. These need to be done before August 16th. When completed, please bring a copy to the school for our record.

Just a reminder to all K-6 Summer School kiddos- July sessions start tomorrow and go through July 29th. Monday- Thursday’s 8:45-11:45 again. If your student was on our route list- we will continue to pick them up starting at 8am tomorrow! Can’t wait to see everyone back. Ps: We would love it if you attended June session to also attend July.

All 9-12 Academy students to be at the school at 10 am today and report at the Senior Academy classroom for the mural project.

Dear Academy scholars,
NCPA Summer camp begins Tuesday, July 6th at 10am for ALL Academy scholars 9-11 grade. Please come to the high school ready to have fun for our first community based camp! Please bring all signed paperwork with you that day. Additional camp dates:
Wednesday, July 7th- incoming 9th grade to UNL campus*
Thursday, July 8th-ALL scholars 9-12 at WPS-mural project
Friday, July 9th- incoming 10th grade to UNL campus*
Wednesday, July 14th- incoming 11th grade to UNL campus*
*scholars will be transported from the WPS parking lot.
Summer camp is a required event for all scholars and they must attend unless their absence has been preapproved. Thank you!
Please contact Nanette Gingery at ngingery2@unl.edu with any questions or communication.

All Nebraska schools are required by law to develop a safe return to school plan. The state of Nebraska is requiring in-person learning unless otherwise directed by health mandates.
We are seeking community input. Attached is the link that will allow you to view the proposed plan. Please take the time to view the plan and then complete the survey. Survey deadline is July 9, 2021.
Click on the following link to view the WPS Safe Return Plan:
Please click the link below to complete the survey:

K-6 Summer School routes will begin at 7:45 tomorrow- not 8. Please have your child ready to be picked up and be sure they have a signed permission slip. Thank you!

Weights and conditioning for 7-12 students schedule- Monday-Friday, June 28th-July 2nd
6am-7:30am: summer youth workers
9am-11am: Boys workouts
12pm-2pm: Girls workouts
2pm-3:30pm: Muscles mass weight workout

The Higher Education/JOM 2nd semester grade and attendance incentives are ready for pick up at the Higher Education office. K – 6th grade can come on up on Thursday, June 24th from 9am – 4:00pm, 7th – 12th grade can come on up on Friday, June 25th 9am – 4:00pm. Students on the list that do not make it on those dates are welcome to stop in next week to sign and pick up their incentive.
To see if your student is on the list, please contact the Higher Education office at 402-878-2631 or Winnebago Public School at 402-878-2224.

Parent/Guardians of any students entering Kindergarten this up coming school year! Kindergarten round-up today from 9am-12:30pm. Please click the link below and read for information:

Weights and conditioning for 7-12 students schedule- Monday-Friday, June 21st-25th
6am-7:30am: summer youth workers
9am-11am: Girls workouts
12pm-2pm: Boys workouts
2pm-3:30pm: Muscles mass weight workout