WPS activities 3/3 Jh boys wrestling invite @ Winnebago 4pm
about 9 hours ago, Winnebago Public School
Happy Tribal Constitution Day! The Academy Government students were placed in groups and tasked with creating a constitution for Winnebago Public Schools! They are displayed in the upper hallway, up the stairs by the entrance to the competition gym. Please go check them out! The entire student body can "ratify" their constitution choice next week in a school-wide survey.
3 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
school constitution
school constitution
school constitution
An informational meeting will be held for parents of all current 8th grade students living in Winnebago, or 8th graders currently enrolled in WPS, that are interested in joining the 2025-2026 WPS Academy Cohort. The meeting will be held tomorrow, February 25th at 5pm in the WPS Library. Applications will be sent home with those that attend. Applications will be made available to all others on 3/3. Any questions can be directed to Jami Pixler at 4028782224 ext 142, or emailed to jpixler@winnebagok12.org
7 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
The new National Honor Society candidates will be inducted on Wednesday, February 26th. All are welcome to attend the 5:30pm ceremony. There will be a meal for the NHS members and their immediate families following the ceremony.
7 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
WPS activities for the week of Feb 24-Mar 2 Feb 25 boys basketball C1-5 sub district @ Wayne vs Boys Town 7:30pm Watch the game here if you can't make it https://www.team1sports.com/highschool/ne/?B=2200579
8 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Winnebago's 1st NSAA state wrestling champ is going through Macy. If you are in town and want to cheer him into town we wanted to let you know.
9 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Jared Doxey is the class C 285 State Champ. 1st in Winnebago history. Congrats. He will be heading home and traveling on 75 through Macy and will let you know when he gets close to Winnebago so you can cheer home your STATE CHAMP!!!!
9 days ago, Winnebago Public School
FYI you can watch the state wrestling finals for free on PBS Nebraska NeTV starting at 3pm. Jared will wrestle around 4:15-4:30
9 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS activities Feb 22 NSAA State championships CHI Center in Omaha 3pm Jared Doxey will wrestle in the finals
9 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS activities today Feb 21 Nsaa boys state wrestling 12:30pm - consolation rounds 6pm semi-finals Boys basketball @Winnebago vs Ashland-Greenwood 6pm- jv Varsity to follow
10 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS does. To have students today Feb 21 it is a teacher in service day. No students in session Teachers report at the normal time
11 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS will have a 2hr late start tomorrow, Thursday, February 20th due to the forecasted bitter cold temps. No morning activities.
12 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
The Winnebago boys will take on Boys Town @ Wayne 7:30pm on Feb 25th in the C1-5 subdistrict
12 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS activities 2/19 NSAA state championships 9am consolation rounds 12:30 pm semi finals and heartbreak round 6:30pm finals
12 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Students will start school at 10 AM tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th.
13 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
WPS will have a 2 hr late start (10 AM Start Time) tomorrow February 19th due to cold temperatures. No morning activities.
13 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
WPS activities 2/18 NSAA Girls State Championships @ CHI center in Omaha. 4pm. Live stream https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/sports/wrestling/nebraska You will have to sign up for a subscription to watch Girls that qualifies are heading out of town at 10am
13 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Can't make the girls game tonight. Catch it here https://www.team1sports.com/highschool/ne/?B=2187548
14 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Due to the cold temps tomorrow February 18th WPS will not have school. Stay safe and warm.
14 days ago, Winnebago Public School
The girls sub district game tonight will be held in Wayne 6pm vs Wayne. This is a change so please plan accordingly.
14 days ago, Winnebago Public School