High School Girls Lifter of the Week sponsored by Rise Up Winnebago
Daynee Harlan
Daynee is entering the 10th grade this coming school year. She is involved in volleyball, basketball, and track. Her favorite sport is basketball because it teaches her about it communicating and is fun. Summer strength and conditioning is important “to get gains.” Daynee’s favorite motivational quote is by Kevin Durant “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.”
Her favorite drink to order at Rise Up is “Electric Blue”.
Good job Daynee, keep up the hard work. #bagostrong
"Reminder there are No Summer Band Lessons next week from July 4th thru July 8th.
Lessons will Resume on July 12th! Happy 4th of July!" - Mr. Garthoff
Reminder- any student that will be participating in an activity in grades 7-12 for the 20222-2023 school year will need to have an updated physical. Please do this before August if at all possible. Thanks!
Come get shaved ice for $2, $3, $4, $5 at noon today in the WPS parking lot!!!
Tomorrow summer school kiddos will get to have a fun day outside. We will have shaved ice from “Let’s Get Tropical” for every summer school student .
The school has asked them to stay a little longer to provide shaved ice to the community! So please come to the school parking lot after 12 noon for a cool treat!
Prices are:
Kids cup- $2
Med- $4
Lg- $5
Reminder-This is the last week for HS summer school.
Just a reminder that K-6 summer school will still be held this week Monday-Thursday. Then we will take a week break and come back for 2 weeks- July 11th and 18th. We will have a fun filled week!
2 days left to get your volleyball gear for the year!
Announcement: there is no Kidz Cafe today. If your child came to summer school this morning and they normally go to Kidz Cafe, please come pick them up today at 11:45.
Today is a kindergarten roundup day. Any student that will be entering kindergarten this upcoming school year, please come from 9am-12:30 to participate in activities with the kinder teachers. Lunch for the students will be provided. Please check out the flyer on our WPS Facebook. Parents/Guardians will be able to fill out all essential registration paperwork.
There is no K-6 Summer School on Fridays. Be safe and enjoy your weekend- we will see you Monday!
If your child has signed up for Summer Band Lessons, they have begun! The schedule is posted to the school website. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Garthoff
Have a great summer!
Show your support for the WPS HS Volleyball Team by purchasing WPS Volleyball Apparel.
Visit the store at:
https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/22BAGOVB to place your order.
High School Summer School started today. Letters were sent out last week. If your child received a letter, he or she should be attending.
June 6-July 1
Monday- Friday
Students are not expected to attend all day, but certainly may do so if they wish.
Just a reminder: K-6 Summer School starts tomorrow! Hours are 8:30-11:45. If you have signed up for transportation- we will start around 8am. IF you signed up and your child is not picked up by 9am- please call the school or text Katie Danielski (number is on summer school papers). If you are dropping your child off- do so at 8:30. Please bare with us the first couple days to get everything sorted out. We have several students attending and we are so excited to see them! Students that we walk to Kidz Cafe need a parent/guardian to pick them up after they eat. Thank You
Winnebago eSports and Morningstar Counseling have teamed together to put on the first annual Winnebago community esports tourney today. The games played are Fortnite and Mario Kart. This event is taking place in the WPS practice gym. Registration for the event today will be from 11am to noon. Lunch will be served. The tourney will start after registration. Hope to see you here!!
Come a say thank you to the retired teacher from the past 3 years. We are finally able to celebrate them! This is happening from from 2-5pm in the practice gym today. These include:
Brad Ross
Dale Mette
Mark Feight
Sandra Kia
Holly Humphy
Linda Kendra
Jackie Koch
Pearl LaPointe
Dar Bales
Nurse Julie
Cheryl Enyinnaya
Dianna Spirk
Deb Snyder
Ellen Waukon
Kay Earth
Cindy Earth
Dean Hughs
The 6th grade Academy letters will be sent home with 6th grade students when they are dismissed at the end of the day. Students have been instructed not to open them until they get home. Any students not in school today can pick up their notice in the front office after 1 pm today.
Today’s activities:
Eugene DeCora will tee off on the final day of class C state golf this morning at 10:20am. #bagopride
Check out our last K-6 news letter of the year!