Everyone is invited to a performance of this year's one-act play, "The Loser's Club," Tuesday, November 22, at 5:30 PM in the Fine Arts Theater. Free t-shirts while supplies last. Refreshments will be served after the performance. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Congratulations to the robotics team on their 4-2 record at Saturday's meet at East Middle School. They are currently ranked 8th in the league. Their next competition is December 17th at Hinton Elementary.
Today’s activities:
JH boys basketball at Pender Tourney 10am. A team only
The robotics team is competing at Sioux City East Middle School today. Matches begin around 10:45.
Social-Emotional Class wide Intervention Program
Social and emotional well-being is important to children. Skills such as listening, sharing, helping, and emotional control enable children to get along with others. These skills can be taught. With practice, they can become a normal part of a child’s behavior.
Social-emotional skills also play an important role in improving academic skills. In fact, experts often refer to social-emotional skills as academic enablers! Classrooms are a great place to teach social-emotional skills. They provide many opportunities to practice skills during daily interactions with others.
During the next 5 weeks, students in the kindergarten through 9th grade classrooms will be working to improve their social emotional skills. We will be using a program called the SSIS SEL Edition Classwide Intervention Program (CIP). It provides an easy way to integrate opportunities to teach core social-emotional skills. Each grade level will be working on 5 different skills. There are a total of 30 skills in the program. The specific skill lessons we will be working on include:
1. Listen to others
2. Say Please and Thank you
3. Follow the Rules
4. Pay Attention to Your Work
5. Ask for Help
6. Take Turns When You Talk
7. Get Along with Others
8. Stay Calm with Others
9. Do the Right Thing
10. Do Nice Things for Others
11. Tell Others About Your Skills
12. Own Your Actions
13. Express Your Feelings
14. Respect Other People’s Things
19. Stand Up for Others
21. Make Compromises
22. Be Positive About the Future
26. Forgive Others
28. Take Criticism Without Getting Upset
30. Make Others Feel Better
This program uses proven instructional methods to build these skills and improve classroom learning. We will learn and practice one skill each week. We will spend a few minutes each day working on these skills.
As a parent or guardian, you play an important role in the development of these skills. Throughout this program, please talk to your child about what he or she is learning during this time. Ask your child to describe the skill taught during the week. Ask how he or she can use the skill at school, home, or in the community. This will help your child remember the steps for each skill. Each student in grades K-9 will be given a letter to take home, indicating the exact skills the class is working on during the 5-week period; please be looking for this letter. Thank you in advance for supporting this program!
Lori Tremayne, Elementary School Counselor
Today is a 1pm early dismissal for students due to a staff in-service.
Today’s activities:
Jh boys basketball at home vs South Sioux 4pm start. B will play first followed by A.
Reminder that tomorrow is school picture day!
Reminder that tomorrow is a 1pm early dismissal for students due to a teacher in service.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s), student pictures will be taken this Friday, November 18. Students will be bringing home Packets today with more information about what packages are available and how to order them. Pictures must be paid for on Friday if you are paying check or money order. Orders may be purchased online.
Jr high girls will have practice at 2:30pm tomorrow in the practice gym
Reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow Friday, November 11th due to a teacher in service.
Jh boys basketball practice will be at 1:30 in the PE gym.
One-Act Play Schedule
Saturday, November 12 - Wynot One Act Festival
Perform at 10:00 AM
Get ready at school starting at 7:00 AM
Leave School at 8:30 AM
Tuesday, November 15 - Lewis and Clark One Act Contest in Ponca
Perform at 12:30 PM
Get ready at school starting at 8:00 AM
Leave school at 10:00 AM
Friday, December 2 - District Contest in Macy
Perform at 8:45
Get reading starting at 7:00 AM
Leave at 8:00 AM
Community Performance Tuesday, November 22 at 5:30
In-school performances on November 10, 14, and December 1 at 2:00 PM
Come and honor our Veterans at our Veterans assembly at 9am in the game gym.
Dear NCPA scholars and families,
We are canceling tonight’s event due to a death in the community and respect for the family. We will reschedule at a later date.
NCPA Academy Scholars and Families: Thank you for your RSVP’s! Our Gratitude Dinner is tonight, 4:30p-6:30p in the practice gym.
WPS will be hosting it's annual Veterans Day assembly tomorrow starting at 9am
The theme for the month of November is Gratitude. Gratitude is being thankful for what we have and showing appreciation for others. Students in grades 3-12 have been invited to participate in a Gratitude Challenge. Students have the opportunity to write letters of appreciation to a variety of people including first responders, various school employees, community members, family members, and even themselves. Students in grades K-2 are identifying people or things they are grateful for, writing them on leaves and posting them on a common bulletin board entitled, “Gratitude Leaves Everyone Smiling.” Quotes about gratitude have been placed all around the school to encourage everyone - students and staff - to be grateful. We encourage you to express your gratitude this month as well. Tell people thank you. Recognize others for the things they have done. Let’s all have an attitude of gratitude!
- Lori Tremayne, Elementary School Counselor
All Nations Football conference recognition is out. Winnebago had 4 selections:
All conference team:
Destin Vargas
Antrell Harlan
Honorable Mention:
Duran Blackfish
Kaden Kennedy
Attention! This year's Winter Concert for K-12 will be December 14th at 6:30pm!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. or Mrs. Garthoff. Thank you!
Reminder, all Winnebago students in grades 3-12 will attend the Musketeers Hockey game in Souix City tomorrow 11-2-22.
Today’s activities:
Hs football at Todd County, mission, Sd for the quarter final of the All Nations. 3pm kick off.
Live stream:
The time for Saturday’s Semi final game is set for 3pm ct at Todd County in Mission,Sd.
Live stream link: