Reminder celebration for Jared Doxey Winnebagos 1st boys NSAA state champion is today at 3pm. Come celebrate!!!
17 days ago, Winnebago Public School
State Champ rally for Jared Doxey today 3pm in the game gym.
17 days ago, Winnebago Public School
18 days ago, Winnebago Public School
The Winnebago track team is putting out a team store for everyone. No track logo just Winnebago Indians gear for all. Get your Winnebago Indian gear today. Store is open now through Sunday March 23rd. You will get notification when your orders arrive at the school. Thanks for your support of WPS Track. All proceeds go to the track team.
18 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Bus 1 will be running about 5 minutes late this morning. Please plan accordingly.
18 days ago, Winnebago Public School
The Academy application deadline for the 2025-2026 cohort has been moved to Friday, March 21st. Applications can be picked up, or dropped off, at the front office of WPS. Students may also see Mrs Pixler to pick up/drop off applications.
19 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Mark your calendars! WPS Senior FAFSA night will be next Wednesday, March 19th from 4pm-6:30pm
19 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
Scholastic Book Fair is here until Tuesday, March 18! Students and families can shop before, during, or after school. There's still time to create an e-wallet to shop with at
19 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
book fair
WPS activities 3-11 JH boys Wrestling @ Pender 4pm
20 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS will begin handing out caps & gowns on March 21st IF students meet all of the following criteria: 1. Credits to graduate in order (in other words, on track to graduate) 2. C's in ALL classes 3. Baby photo submitted 4. Senior spotlight submitted 5. Senior/current photo submitted 6. Signed waiver acknowledging that they are responsible for their unit. This is the ONLY one that the school will provide free of charge. Friday (or the last day of the week) will be "hand out" day. If students don't qualify on a given Friday, they have until the next Friday to meet all the qualifications.
20 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Lewis and Clark Conference Speech Winners: Ayden Littlegeorge-Cloud 6th in champ extemporaneous, 1st in honors persuasive, and 5th in honors entertainment Kenny Nieman 6th in honors serious prose Kyleisha BigBear 6th in honors humorous prose Alen Whitewing 1st in honors poetry and 6th champ POI Avani Wilkie 4th in honors POI Congratulations to the entire team for showing up and speeching out. You represented your school well. Our next speech event is March 18 as we host our third annual speech showcase beginning with a potluck supper at 5. Performances from 5:30-6:45 and senior parents recognition at 6:45 in the theater. We travel to Schuyler on March 22 for the district meet. We will leave the school at 7 AM.
21 days ago, Winnebago Public Schools
WPS activities Jh boys wrestling @West Point 4pm HS Conference Speech @Homer 9am
21 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS activities for the week 3/10 - jh boys wrestling at West Point 4pm 3/11 - jh boys wrestling at Pender 4pm 3/14 - State champion - Jared Doxey celebration 3pm in the game gym.
22 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS reminder: no school tomorrow 3/7 for students or staff. This was a scheduled day off on the WPS school calendar.
25 days ago, Winnebago Public School
All 12 month employees will get administrative leave tomorrow 3/7 due to the forecasted weather. Stay warm and safe.
25 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS reminder today March 6th is parent teacher conferences from 2pm-6pm There is no school for students due to parent teachers conferences today. Also there is no school for students or staff on Friday March 7th
25 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Due to the winter weather conditions WPS will be closed tomorrow March 5th. Please stay safe.
27 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS will have a 1pm dismissal today March 4th due the impending weather conditions. No evening activities. Please be safe.
27 days ago, Winnebago Public School
WPS activities 3/3 Jh boys wrestling invite @ Winnebago 4pm
28 days ago, Winnebago Public School
Happy Tribal Constitution Day! The Academy Government students were placed in groups and tasked with creating a constitution for Winnebago Public Schools! They are displayed in the upper hallway, up the stairs by the entrance to the competition gym. Please go check them out! The entire student body can "ratify" their constitution choice next week in a school-wide survey.
about 1 month ago, Winnebago Public Schools
school constitution
school constitution
school constitution